Mission Cliff Neighborhood
With a neighborhood for every lifestyle, San Diego County offers so much diversity that you will have a hard time choosing what neighborhood you like the most. However, the decision will likely be in this order #1) your budget #2) a location with best commute time due to traffic, and #3) where the schools or area attractions meet you and your family’s needs.
Consider too, that when you buy a house in San Diego, you’ll live where most people vacation. Here locals enjoy over 250 sunny days per year and 70 plus miles of coastloine. The amazing lifestyle perks that make San Diego attractive are also what makes it an expensive and coveted place to buy real estate. Lofty price tags and fierce competition will intimidate even the most seasoned home buyers in America’s “Finest” City. The average price tag as of 2019 was approximately $625,000. It’s called the “Sunshine Tax”.
Having a no-pressue, no-obligation consulation with a licensed expert, such as myself, I can guide you to the areas to meet your needs and provide you with referrals to several Lenders that offer you the best rates and terms for a mortgage. There are also several city and county wide down payment and closing cost assistance programs available for first time Buyers. Just ask me!